CAT 2022 - 2 Questions from the DILR Section scrapped!

CAT 2022 - 2 Questions from the DILR Section scrapped!
A new notification has been issued on the official website by the CAT Committee informing that 2 questions from the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section have been scrapped and will not be evaluated. Those 2 questions are marked ambiguous by the committee. The 2 questions removed were from shift 2 and shift 3.
As per the committee, the marks scored in the CAT examination will now be evaluated based on the allotment. Moreover, the exam scores of the candidates will now be adjusted as per the answers provided to the rest of the questions in the DILR section.
The CAT exam consists of a total of 66 questions in the exam. It has 3 sections-
Section 1- Verbal Ability & RC (24 questions)
Section 2- Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (20 questions)
Section 3- Quantitative Ability (22 questions)
The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore will declare the CAT 2022 result in the first week of January 2023. There is a specific method for the calculation of the score of a candidate derived by the Institute. The CAT scorecard will be prepared based on the normalization process to ensure fairness and equality in the performances of candidates across test sessions.
The CAT 2022 examination was successfully conducted on 27th November 2022. The tentative answer key was uploaded on December 1, 2022. The candidates were given a chance to raise any objections/ complaints, if any, up to December 4, 2022.
From CAT 2020, the duration of the exam has been 2 hours, i.e., 40 minutes for each section. It is a Computer Based Test (CBT) and has been conducted by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) since 2014.
CAT exam pattern changes almost every year and IIM provides a single mock test but there are several mock tests available online that the candidates have easy access to.
There were approx. 2 lakhs candidates that appeared in the CAT exam this year and the overall attendance was marked around 87%.
CAT 2022 Analysis-
Slot 1- According to the experts, the difficulty level of the slot 1 exam is moderate. There are no such new questions in the exam. The VARC section is of moderate level difficulty. The Odd One Out questions is not included this time.
The DILR section is also considered moderate. There were not many questions about DI. A good score of 30-33 in this section is expected.
The QA section is considered easy to moderate. Questions from Ratios and Averages dominated the section. Time and work questions are not included.
Slot 2- The difficulty level of this slot is also considered moderate. VARC had 4 difficult RC passages and the rest were verbal ability questions.
DILR pattern was the same as in Slot 1. Most of the questions were Logical Reasoning questions. It was a moderate-level section.
The QA section is marked as moderate- to difficult for this slot. The questions were quite tough than the questions in Slot 1. The questions were from diverse topics.
Slot 3- The RC passages were easy to understand but the twist was in the options as they were very tricky.
The DILR was again of moderate difficulty. And the QA section was covered by questions mainly from Arithmetic and Algebra.
Now, the results are awaited and admission forms from different MBA colleges/universities are available from time to time. Keep an eye on the deadline. Don’t miss them.