UPSC NDA (National Defence Academy) 2023 Updates:

UPSC NDA (National Defence Academy) 2023 Updates:
The union public service commission recently released an update regarding the UPSC NDA 2023 exam. Candidates who are interested in defence can visit the official website of UPSC to register as the registration process has started.
The commission has asked the candidates to read the UPSC NDA 2023 notification thoroughly and candidates should read the eligibility criteria properly before applying.
As per the official notification, the online application is to be done by candidates and it is somewhat mandatory for an applicant to register first at the One Time Registration (OTR) platform. The OTR is available on the commission’s website. This is the first step and after this, the candidate can proceed with filling out the application for the exam. OTR can be done at any point throughout the year as it is to be done once in a lifetime. The candidates can straightaway proceed to the online application once they have registered OTR.
The important dates in the UPSC NDA 2023 notification are-
• The online application filling deadline- is January 10, 2023, till 6:00 pm.
• The correction/withdrawal window – is January 18- January 24, 2023, till 6:00 pm.
• The exam is to be commenced on April 16, 2023.
This exam will be held to fill 395 vacancies which are given below-
• Army- 208 vacancies
• Air force- 120 vacancies
• Navy- 42 vacancies
• Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme)- 25 vacancies
The eligibility criteria are to be kept in mind while applying and even the recently released notification stresses it. For the Army Wing of the NDA, the candidates who have passed or are appearing in class 12 are eligible and can apply. For Air Force, Navy, and Naval Academy of NDA, the candidate must be a 12th pass out with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The age limit for NDA 1 2023 is 16.5 to 19.5 years and for more details visit the official website of UPSC –
The examination pattern of UPSC NDA 2023- The exam would consist of 2 papers i.e., Mathematics (300 marks) and General Ability Test (GAT) (600 marks).
There are 4 alternatives for an answer to every question. Negative marking will be done for wrong answers. And no penalty for unanswered questions. But if the candidate marks two answers for a question, that answer will be treated wrong and a penalty (same on wrong answers) will be given.
NDA is the joint defence service institute of the Indian Armed Forces. NDA is located in Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharashtra. The reason why it is the first tri-service institute in the world is that in NDA, cadets of all three services in India i.e., the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Air Force train together in NDA before going to their respective academy.
As it is known that selected candidates have to go through rigorous training, so candidates must be physically and mentally fit according to the prescribed standards. Most of the qualified candidates face rejection on medical grounds so it is advised to them to get properly examined as per the physical standards to avoid rejection at the final stage.