UPSC Announces CDS I 2024 Exam Results, Details for SSB Interview

UPSC Announces CDS I Exam 2024 Results, SSB Interview Details Released
New Delhi, August 1, 2024 — The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the results for the Combined Defence Services (CDS) I Examination 2024 on its official website, The written exam for CDS I was conducted on April 21, 2024, and candidates can now check their results online without needing any login credentials. The results are available in a downloadable PDF format, containing the names and roll numbers of those who have successfully passed the exam. Candidates who have cleared the CDS I 2024 exam will be invited to participate in the Services Selection Board (SSB) interviews, a crucial step in the selection process for future officers of the Indian Armed Forces. The SSB interview process is detailed below and requires candidates to submit valid photo identification, age certificates, and academic credentials at the time of the interview.
SSB Interview Schedule and Process
Day 1: Screening Test
Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test:
The OIR test includes both verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions designed to assess candidates' intelligence and reasoning abilities.
Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT):
Candidates are shown a blurred picture for 30 seconds and must write a story based on the image within 4 minutes. Following this, a group discussion is held where candidates discuss their stories with one another.
Day 2: Psychological Tests
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT):
In this test, candidates are shown 12 pictures, including one blank image, and are required to write a story for each picture.
Word Association Test (WAT):
Sixty words are shown to candidates, one word every 15 seconds, and they must write down the first thought that comes to mind for each word.
Situation Reaction Test (SRT):
Candidates are given 60 different situations and need to write their immediate reactions to each scenario.
Self-Description Test (SD):
Candidates compose five paragraphs about themselves, reflecting on opinions from Parents, Friends, Teachers, and their own perspective, along with areas they wish to improve.
Day 3: Group Testing Officers (GTO) Tasks
Group Discussion (GD):
Two topics are discussed for approximately 20 minutes each, focusing on social relevance or current affairs.
Group Planning Exercise (GPE):
Candidates are presented with a model depicting a situation and must collaboratively develop and write a common plan to solve the outlined problems.
Progressive Group Tasks (PGT):
An obstacle course requiring the group to work together to move from one point to another.
Group Obstacle Race (GOR):
Candidates navigate a series of obstacles collectively as a group.
Half Group Task (HGT):
Similar to the PGT but performed with fewer group members.
Each candidate gives a brief talk on a given topic.
Day 4: GTO Tasks (Continued)
Individual Obstacles:
Candidates individually navigate ten obstacles.
Command Task:
Each candidate acts as a commander, leading their group through various obstacles.
Final Group Task:
Another group obstacle task, similar to the PGT.
Day 5: Conference
On the final day, candidates will face a panel of assessors who will interview each candidate individually. The interview covers topics such as the candidate's personal background, experience during the selection process, and future aspirations.
After the interviews, the final results are announced, and selected candidates are required to undergo a medical examination to determine their suitability for a career in the Indian Armed Forces. The UPSC is set to conduct the CDS II exam for 2024 on September 1, and preparations are underway for another batch of aspirants to embark on their journey toward becoming officers in the Indian military.
For more details on the results and further information about the SSB interviews, candidates are advised to visit the official UPSC website at
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