UPPSC Civil Judge 2022: UPPSC released admit card, read below to know more

UPPSC Civil Judge 2022: UPPSC released admit card, read below to know more
The admit card for the UP Judicial Service Civil Judge (Junior Division) Exam 2022 has been released by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC). The admit card can be downloaded from the official website of UPPSC- uppsc.up.nic.in.
How to download the admit card-
1. The first step is to visit the official website of the UPPSC- uppsc.up.nic.in.
2. Click on “CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD FOR ADVT.NO.A-5/E-1/2022, U.P. JUDICIAL SERVICE CIVIL JUDGE (J.D.) (PRELIM) EXAM. 2022” located on the homepage.
3. Fill in the login details.
4. You will find the admit card, check and download it.
5. Take a printout for the time of examination.
UPPSC Civil Judge 2023 Exam will be held on 12th February 2023 and the exam is being conducted for 303 vacancies for the recruitment of Civil Judge.
UPPSC conducts the Judicial Service examination to select qualified and learned candidates for the civil judge posts in Uttar Pradesh High Courts. The examination comprises two papers: Prelims and Mains which is then succeeded by the interview.
The Prelims exam is scheduled on February 12, 2023. The total marks in this exam are 450. It consists of two papers-
• Paper I: General Knowledge of 150 marks- 2 hours
• Paper II: Law of 300 marks- 2 hours
There will be a deduction of 0.33 marks as a negative marking for every incorrect answer.
• Paper I: General Knowledge of 200 marks
• Paper II: English Language of 100 marks
• Paper III: Hindi Language of 100 marks
• Paper IV: Law-I (Substantive Law)
• Paper V: Law-II (Procedure and Evidence)
• Paper VI: Law-III
The syllabus of the exam covers topics like Criminal Law and Evidence, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Laws, and Human Rights Act. It has been designed to measure the applicants' intellectual, logical, and analytical ability, problem-solving ability, and analytical thinking to cope with complex issues in the context of the legal environment. Candidates should have command over the subject matter area of law they wish to specialize in within their chosen profession as well as an interest or passion for public service.
Candidates who wish to apply for these posts must have passed the LLB or equivalent examination and should have completed 20 years of age. The examination is conducted by the Directorate of Collegiate Education under UP Public Service Commission every year. The examination consists of multiple objective-type questions regarding the rules, statutes, and precedents.
The high quality of candidates, an extensive knowledge base, and excellent exam preparation would ensure that the process of selection is handled in a professional manner that is transparent, fair, and free from any influence or discrimination of any kind including caste/class/religion.
Tips that can help you in your preparations-
• Firstly, candidates should focus on the main subjects and after covering them, they can move to other less important sections.
• There are several books available that include lots of practice questions that will guide you to the best in preparing for the exams.
• The previous year's question papers help a lot in the preparation, they can help in assessing the paper pattern, difficulty level, etc.
You can find the best coaching institutes for UPPSC Civil Judge 2023 exam on Studydekho. Head to their website to know more.