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One Step

. Bathinda

One Step

Main, Ajit Rd, ., ., Bathinda, Punjab, 151001


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One Step Course Fees

Discover service and tailored experiences await, regardless of course fees.

One Step Course Fees
Course Duration Fees
IELTS 13000 /-
Spoken English 35000 /-

One Step Location

About One Step

When comparing One Step and others, it's important to consider a few factors:

The vision of the One Step Bathinda is to make pioneers who can deal with a broad assortment of issues for an amazing duration. An improvement of tests and examinations are driven each fortnight and term for every one of our courses at the Centre to study our students and set them up for standing up to the varying board and other serious examinations. We outfit our students with a printed model answer paper after each examination, close to the checking plan, which clears up their demand on various interests asked in the examination.

We in like way encourage provoking examinations in a way like that in which the indisputable board examinations are driven, with the bona fide focus to offer a sensible issue to our students, with a hope to help bolster their affirmation while standing up to the board examinations. Step by step Practice Paper is the updates toward the day's end. Each understudy is given a preparation paper, identified with subjects analyzed in class that day. We consider the students our need and our lone target are to see our understudies successful in every exam they appear for.


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Embark on a truly personalized journey at the Center for a Personalized Experience





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